Saturday, November 18, 2017

(152) Murphy's Manor - Redemption

Superman has Lex Luthor. The Fantastic Four have Dr. Doom. Spider-Man has Dr. Octopus. Murphy Robinson has the Reverend Ezekiel Hasenpflug.

From Falwell to Swaggart to Bryant a certain stripe of Organized Religion has equated Christianity with homophobia. Murf needed a foil to represent this view.

We see a lot of Hasenpflug over the next thousand strips. He comes to embody every scheme the Religious Right has to throw at us. And when Swaggart gets caught in a scandal, Hasenpflug gets caught in a worse one. 

Don't mistake this for anti-Christian. Hasenpflug the Cartoon Character  never mentions Jesus; he has lost track of agape,  caritas, Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi and all the rest.

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