Thursday, November 16, 2017

(146) Murphy's Manor - Effective Cruising

Cruising everything with three legs. Normally Jeff doesn't try that hard to be clever.

Lots of personal history in  this strip. At the time I had a new job that involved bicycle route planning, and there was a lot of emphasis on safe cycling. A popular book on the subject was called Effective Cycling. I simply borrowed the term to apply to bar technique. 

The ironic part is that Sid is addressing Jeff as if he were total kludge in the bar. Whereas Jeff is actually rather skilled. The total kludge Sid was addressing was me. 

So here I am sitting home alone on a Saturday night drawing comic strips about cruising effectively  rather than cruising the bar myself.

The good part is that by this time I had met John and no longer had any temptation to go out at the bars.

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