Thursday, September 10, 2015

(16) My Life with the Syndicate

Remember when books about gays and lesbians were scarce, difficult to get, embarrassing to buy? So much so that we needed specialty book shops for them? Remember when there used to be book stores? 

And are we post-gay enough that nobody suffers coming out pangs like we used to?

Note also the advent of the "Stonewall Features Syndicate" label. I'd forgotten that started so early in the strip's run! Yes, it was a newspaper syndicate that handled the business end of features to the any local gay papers across the country. Which previously I had done myself. Well, these guys seemed professional. If they can get me into more papers while relieving me of the hassles of accounts receivable -- isn't it worth it?

I signed up for a one year contract. After that, I was back on my own as they went bust. Before knowing they were throwing in the towel I told them I was not going to renew. They had raised my rates and taken a large percentage. They did not get me into more papers.

Hell, I can do better than that myself!

And I did for some 27 years.

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