Saturday, September 5, 2015

(15) The Birthing of Sid Jacobs

Introducing Sid Jacobs.

Believe it or don't, Sid was based on Jan Suter. Most people reading this never heard of Jan. He was one of the more inspiring people I had the pleasure to get to know when I moved to Toledo and came out. Jan was a sanguine free spirit, whose personality I have totally failed to capture. Sid was inspired by him, but Sid became his own person. Sid and Jan both viewed the gay experience as being a series of virginities to be lost. 

I regret very much to say that Jan didn't foresee where that much unprotected sex would lead.  He was the first person I knew who died of AIDS. To remember Jan, see

But Murphy's Manor is fiction,  and in my made-up world, Sid never gets sick.

Sid looked nothing like Jan. I meant for Sid to retain Jan's culture, intellect, and love of upsetting the apple cart -- all in a fantasy body Jan would've enjoyed. For comparison, I show the real Jan as I drew him in a cameo in strip #334. Sid ties the indoor world record, originally held by Albert the Alligator, for a cartoon character to morph in appearance from his first strip to a more mature form. Except Sid didn't morph so much as Murf.

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