Saturday, May 27, 2017

(82) One That Got Away

One of my more pensive strips, and optimistic on faith. The character is a caricature of an ex. We had drifted apart -- not through acrimony, but just because we dated for a while and nothing clicked. So here's Murf talking to "one who got away" with me standing just outside the  frame of the cartoon wondering if I'l ever meet anyone I can really spend my life with. 

Murf tells me to be optimistic and wait. This cartoon was drawn in July 1983, five or six weeks after I met John.  So my optimism would have been that this was the real McCoy.

Notes on the back of both original artwork. 
7/6/83 -two hours, scripts
7/8/83 -four hours roughs and lettering
7/11/83 -2 1/2 hours finished pencils and costume research
7/14/83 - six hours inking
7/19/83 - three hours touch up and zipatone

Total: 17.5 hours

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