Monday, November 21, 2016

What a Bargain! !

Obviously I've been selling myself short.

When I published Savoir Fairy 1986, I had drawn around 100 Murphy's Manor comic strips. I used most of them in the first of a series (I hoped) of Murphy's Manor compilations.

The book sold okay -- I sold directly to gay book stores and a couple distributors at a generous discount. That's how the book business worked. and publication-on-demand didn't exist yet.

I sold most of the print run and made a modest profit. But I never published a second volume.

Why not? I wanted to be a cartoonist, not a bookmonger. I wanted to focus my energy on what I did best.

I contacted the Amazon merchant who asks $99 for my book. I wondered if he can get that price, perhaps he'd like more copies? I have one or two boxes left, all mint. He replied he had a single copy, but sold none. it's standard practice to put an outrageous price on rare, one of a kind books.

I offered to sell him some more. I wonder what price he'd put on them.

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