Tuesday, October 27, 2015

(25) The new Gay Community Center

As I was discovering the World of Being Gay, I also found that gay communities gravitated to gentrifying historic neighborhoods -- like Toledo's Old West End. This strip reflects one of many discussions of establishing a gay community center. these discussions seem to be an evergreen issue for local LBGT community organizations. They pop up without fail few years. A certain amount  of hot air is generated, ad the idea dies down again.

These discussions come out of committees, where the consensus would be that all you need to have a community center is to have a building. Any building, anywhere, preferably cheap. I maintain the first thing you need to have a community center is a budget. Perhaps this is why I keep getting pinned with the task of Treasurer?

Never commit to a building without carefully checking out the heating system the cooling system, and  the roof.

Ironically, Toledo currently has an LGBT community building, shared with other tenants. See previous paragraph.  An historic but cash-starved building.

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