I had dreams of unveiling my new book At Queers in Comics in San Francisco last week. It's mostly Murphy's Manor strips that have already been published, but arranged in a manner that tells a story. A story I didn't realize I was telling at the time. The last chapter is entirely new strips. About fifteen I think — I have about five or six done.
Can you believe that I used to do one of these cartoons every week? And now I can't manage to do one a month?
I have no illusions of being able to rebuild my customer base I used to have on top of the cigarette machines in gay bars across the country. With or without any money, I do plan on posting the strips to the Internet. Eventually. And for those who insist on the convenience of paper, I hope to have a book or two available.
It's just taking a whole lot more time that I thought it would.
The years have passed, and there is no going back to Murphy's Manor as it was in the 1980s. As you'll see from this one panel, Mark and Murf have both aged. Curiously, Jeff, still a boarder at Murphy's Manor, looks exactly the same. Maybe even a little younger. And he has sold all his shirts. I don't know why that didn't strike me in 1985.
A tip of the hat to Jeff Krell if he's out there. I've concluded you're right.