Friday, August 28, 2015

(12) Memories of Seductive Scarves

Once more I air my views of bars. But truth to tell, through PRO and its Monday Night rap group 
(generation Xers, please apply for translation) I hung out with a group ... of friends. What a unique experience for me. 

We used to close down Scaramouche once every couple of weeks and finish the night at Steak and Eggs (Central near Douglas). My wild oats were not very plentiful and not very wild, but this was the period when I sowed what I had. 

I tolerated disco because it was just part of the scene. Fond memory: Jan Suter dancing solo-freestyle, suggestively, running his scarf seductively over the buttocks or around the torso of fellow dancers, to a rhythm that had nothing to do with the beat. Perhaps in his head he was dancing to something from Götterdämerung. 

Very likely.

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